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About this course
Information sessions held in January and March of 2018 in Kinshasa: ALumni together the DRC Chapter gather to give back to the community at The Catholic Protestant University and at the Congo American Language Instititute (CALI).
These outstanding Information Sessions have allowed many Young People to have a Broad understanding of what YALI stands for and were able to apply to some opportunities that the YALI Program Offers.
Design Thinking Training, Jointly Organized by YALI RLC EA ALUMNI ( Kraus Mulaya, Tresor Kalonji and Billy Modest Kabwika; with other Alumni and Volunteers), in Partnership with The Japanese Cutural Center (JICA) in 2017. We were honored by the presence of the US.Embassy Attaché Culturel Mr.Taylor.
Family Picture with the Staff from : YALI RLC EA ALUMNI CHAPTER OF DRC, JICA, and the US.EMBASSY
Kraus MULAYA (Former Chairperson)
Tresor KALONJI ( Former Communication Officer)
Billy Modest KABWIKA ( Current Chairperson : Mid-2017 -2019
The Alumni Chapter of DRC is managed by 5 members : Billy Modeste Kabwika Tshakama, Emmanuel Rusaka, Kakel Mbumb, Papy Mufuta wa Mufuta, Chiristian and Daniel BATEKA.
This is the official page of the YALI Regional Leadership East Africa Chapter in the DRC. It is headed by 5 members who are: Billy Modeste Kabwika Tshakama, Immanuel Rusaka, Kakel Mbumb, Papy Mufuta Mufuta wa, Chiristian and Daniel BATEKA.
It focuses activities and all events related to YALI RLC in the DRC